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Sunday, October 17, 2010

What we say will reflects ourselves!

About the title, I don’t really know what to say. urmm, for me it is actually quite sensitive. We can’t interpret people depending on their words.

But mostly for now, people easily can express their feeling through words to the people without limitation. Ok, let’s go through the topic that I want to discuss here. Let me give an example, the simple example. Let say when we online on facebook, we update something, it is actually not the pages for express our bad feeling toward friends out there.

Every single world that you say will be interpreted differently by people. So that people will get wrong meaning means by you. If you were saying something that terribly that might hurt somebody, people will directly know about your personality even if it’s not really you and you are not really means that.

The conclusion here, we need to be careful on our words because people will get you wrong. People will say that you are bad person although you are not. Speak nicely to others. Everybody will love that attitude. You respect other people, people will respect you either. ;)) tQ!

Prepared by :: fieyra_ara!


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